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Dungeons and Dragons - Den Gotiske By

tors. 29. sep.



Dungeon and Dragons - Den Gotiske By GRATIS Dungeon and Dragon’s arrangement i UngK’s kirkesal. /// Gratis snacks /// OneShot-Historie /// Øl 10 kr. ///

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Dungeons and Dragons - Den Gotiske By
Dungeons and Dragons - Den Gotiske By

Tid & sted

29. sep. 2022, 15.30 – 21.00

UngK, Nørre Allé 23, 8000 Aarhus, Danmark

Om eventet

Dungeon and Dragons - Den Gotiske By GRATIS Dungeon and Dragon’s arrangement i UngK’s kirkesal. (VI spiller både på dansk og engelsk på forskellige borde)

/// Gratis snacks /// OneShot-Historie /// Øl 10 kr. /// Vi udsmykker kirken efter fortællingens tema, DJ’er midieval musik og inviterer til interaktiv rollespilshygge! Vi har alt der skal bruges fra terninger, battlemaps til figurer, det eneste du skal have med er dit gode humør og fantasi til at lege med i universet. Vi spiller som udgangspunkt i fem timer inkl. Spisepause og med mulighed for overtid. Ellers hygger vi med billige øl, soda og gratis snacks Alle borde huser 4-6 spillere, vi spiller Dungons and Dragons´5th Edition og alle spilborde kører det samme OneShot.

/// Vi har både plads til veteraner og nybegyndere! 

Du behøver ikke kende reglerne da vores DM’s guider dig igennem. /// OBS! Kan du af den ene eller anden grund ikke alligevel er det ligeså vigtigt at du melder afbud, så din plads kan gå til næste i køen! Afbud sker til Vi tænder musikken og åbner dørene klokken 15.30 og spillene kører fra 16.00-21.00. Udover et gennemført tematisk Dungeon-Design, har vi også baren åben og sælger øl og sodavand til 10 kr.!

//// English ////

Dungeon and Dragons - Gothic City

Free Dungeon and Dragons event in UngK FREE Dungeon and Dragon's event in UngK's church hall. (We play in both Danish and English on different tables) /// Free Entre /// OneShot-Story /// Beer 10 kr. /// We decorate the church according to the story's theme, DJ medieval music and invite you to interactive role-play fun!

We have everything you need from dice, battlemaps to figures, the only thing you need to bring is your good mood and imagination to play with in the universe. As a starting point, we play for five hours incl. Meal break and with the possibility of overtime. Otherwise, we enjoy cheap beer, soda and free snacks.

All tables accommodate 4-6 players, we play Dungeons and Dragons' 5th Edition and all game tables run the same OneShot.

/// We have room for both veterans and beginners! You don't need to know the rules as our DMs guide you through. ///

ATTENTION! - If you want to join as a player, it is very important that you order a ticket. If you can't for one reason or another, it's just as important that you cancel so that your place can go to the next in line! Cancellations are made to

We turn on the music and open the doors at 15:30 and the games run from 16:00-21:00.

In addition to a complete thematic Dungeon Design, we also have the bar open and sell beer and soda for DKK 10!


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